Farm update - March 2018

Well, I have just recently realized that the one and only post on this blog is from 2015. Wow. It might be time to share more on this blog thing. I have never thought of myself as a writer and I am a bit of a perfectionist so mix those two together and you get a long, long span of silence on a blog. Our season is just about to start (despite the temperature going into the 20's tonight) so I thought I would sit down and write an update on the farm. And really, I think it would be fun to share more pictures with you all in this way. Who knows, maybe opening up this avenue will be just what I need creatively and in turn, motivate me to create more. I mean, I was pretty good at Xanga so this should be a piece of cake.

Anemones - the first flowers of 2018

Anemones - the first flowers of 2018

Anemones and narcissus are always the first to bloom on the farm and a very, very welcoming sight. I have kept myself inside, in front of a computer, for most of the winter and I think at this point my skin is translucent That's not to say we don't have anything in the ground. There are quite a few rows in our field of hardy annual flowers that were planted last fall so they could develop a nice, strong root system and be ready to bloom as soon as it warms up this spring and the days get longer. But for the most part, its computer work and getting ready for the season to come. So to say spring is much anticipated, is an understatement. I am pretty sure an invisible, yet heavy, cloud lifts from my face and brain when that first sunny day arrives. I find it hard to concentrate even when we start working back in the field because it feels so good. I usually find a time to lay down between the rows on the warm soil because HEAT. I was the kid that loved to hang out and sometimes sleep in hot cars (dont worry, I was old enough to get out when I needed to). I just love the heat, and summer, and all of the good stuff that comes with it. Except bugs. Four years farming and I still dislike bugs. Although, I know how important many of them are, even spiders, so I will pass it by. But if a bug comes straight at my face, I will lunge away unnaturally.

Where were we? Flowers. Our ranunculus are starting to bud up and show color and even though our Icelandic poppies had a difficult winter, they are starting to bud up too. At the moment, we have layers of thin row cover over each row of flowers because we are expecting a pretty low freeze the next few nights. Fingers crossed they are hardy enough to survive. We knew it would come for us. February was way too happy.

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Once the weather gets consistently warmer, the flowers will begin to throw up more and more blooms and we will be able to make it back to our beloved little market - Main Street Farmer's Market. If you follow us on Instagram, you know that I post about the market a good bit. Its because I really believe in it and what it stands for. The people you buy from are this city's group of loyal, sustainable farmers and they supply us with that amazing, fresh food. I am super proud to be a part of this group and we have really enjoyed getting to know the customers that come every week.

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Anyway! That wasn't so bad! That's just a little sneak peak for you! For those that stuck with me, Thank you! We are super excited about the 2018 season and cant wait to crank out the blooms!



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